Angelababy Plastic Surgery

Angelababy Plastic Surgery

Angelababy Plastic Surgery – Before and After Pictures

Angela baby is a Chinese beauty queen who got into the world of modeling at an early age. At only 17, Angela was already building her reputation as a talented model. At this age, most young girls have not fully matured and their looks and bodies are still bound to undergo transformations. When Angelababy plastic surgery speculations were trending on a number of social media sites, the star was given the benefit of doubt that the changes in her appearance could be as a result of growth. However, there are those speculators who strongly believe that the beautiful doll faced Angela is no longer natural since the transformations she has undergone are almost impossible without surgery. A comparison of her before and after photos does reveal a difference but it is yet to be proved whether or not this difference evidences the fact that the youngster has faced the surgeon’s knife. It is speculated that Angelababy plastic surgery include a rhinoplasty, double eye lid surgery, jaw line and chin surgery.

Angelababy Plastic Surgery

The Rhinoplasty and Double Eyelid Surgery

A long and narrow ridged nose is the definition of elegance in the showbiz. Since not everybody is naturally endowed with this nose, some celebrities turn to plastic surgery to have their relatively wide noses chiseled out. It is speculated that the difference in the shape and size of Angelababy nose upon the comparison of her before and after pictures is suggestive of a rhinoplasty procedure carefully done. A further comparison shows a difference in the size of her eyes. In this case, her almost closed eyes are now wide open and sexier than before. Most celebrities of Asian origin are fond of the double eyelid surgery as a measure to open up their naturally small eyes. It is difficult to convince the world that the opening of her eyes is as a result of natural growth.

Jaw Line and Chin Surgery

Angelababy plastic surgery also includes the two facial reconstruction procedures. Facial reconstruction procedures affect the shape and size of the face. In this case, the modeling sensation is speculated to having had the shape of her face changed from round to oval. In her before photos, her jaw line has a characteristic protrusion that seems to be reduced in her after photos. This reduction is attested to a jaw line surgery. The effect of this surgery is further observed in the change in size of her face. As opposed to her wide face before the surgery, the star now boasts of a slender face. To completely enable her aspirations of having an oval face, Angelababy also had her chin elongated. Through a chin surgery, the star had the length of her chin increased further. The difference of the length of the chin is clearly visible in her after photos making it difficult for the star to deny it.

What Does Angelababy Have to Say?

Speculations about Angelababy plastic surgery have trended long enough on social media sites for the star to offer a response. According to her, her looks are natural and the transformations have nothing to do with plastic surgery. The model was extremely emotional about these speculations as she broke down in tears while responding to these allegations. However, very few speculators believe in her innocence, it is still speculated that she is no longer a natural beauty. Angelababy could be a victim of celebrity plastic surgery stereotypes or she could have joined the deny culture of celebrities who have had plastic surgery. Despite all these, of all her surgical procedures, the chin surgery is thought to be the only botched job. Her new chin is considered too elongated and unnatural giving her an almost plastic appearance. Angelababy has always been a pretty faced star and all you can hope for is that she does not over indulge in plastic surgery to the point of ruining her pretty face.
