Carrot Top Before and After Cosmetic Surgery Pics

Carrot Top Before and After Cosmetic Surgery Pics

“Mum:  One Day I Want to be a Clown” Congrats Carrot Top, You Made It!

Well, if Carrot Top wanted to be funny he succeeded , as he now looks more like a clown than ever before. Comparing his photos from the past to now, it is easy to see that he has an excessive amount of botox. He just looks like something unnatural, I wonder what he was thinking when deciding to have this horrible thing done to his face. Some stars do look okay after having cosmetic surgery, but this is a case that went terribly wrong.

Carrot Top Before and After Cosmetic Surgery Pics

Rather than just aging naturally he decided to have some surgery which made him look even more freakish than he did before. I guess this just goes along with all the other stars in Hollywood. Stars think that because people look to them for entertainment, that they have to do things to keep themselves looking young. Rather than trying to make himself appear younger through regular diet and exercise, he went to the more extreme measures and it has backfired on him. Carrot Top now 48 years old has tried to make himself appear like a twenty something year old, but that didn’t work he still looks forty eight , just more heinous than before.


Plastic Surgeon Dr. Anthony Youn has noted on his blog that after analyzing photos of Carrot Top before and after plastic surgery, that Carrot Top “has had an abnormal plastic surgery treatment that may be the cause of a mixture of Botox and Browlift procedures”. Why Carrot Top did this to himself I’ll never know, there was no real reason to have this done. I wouldn’t wish this type of ‘procedure gone wrong’ on anybody. Well I guess that he will get what he wanted though, he will be laughed at by everyone. This is funny, but sad at the same time. Maybe other stars will learn from his bad experience. If I could have talked to Carrot Top before having this done there is one phrase I would have said “if you do this you are going to have a bad time”.
