Susan Lucci Age

Susan Lucci Age

Susan Lucci Age – Before and After Pictures

Susan was born on the 23rd of December 1946 in Scarsdale New York to Jeanette and Victor Lucci. She is one of America’s biggest talent who has domineered in the entertainment field. She is an accomplished television host, entrepreneur, author and actress. She has played several roles in the television and film movies and series with the most famous of her role being Erica Kane on the ABC daytime series. This role was iconic and it enabled the actress develop her career and reputation further. She is also among the female celebrities with high net worth. She was listed as the highest paid actress in daytime television. If you look at her pictures trending on the internet, you will by no doubt question if she really is a 68 year old woman. One look at the refreshed actress has sent most people on the internet desperate to know her exact age.

Susan Lucci Age

How old is Susan Lucci? 

The young and radiant Susan Lucci is a sixty eight year old woman who definitely knows what it means to fight old age. The mother of three daughters aged 43, 41 and 39 looks as young as her youngest daughter. Time is surely nothing to her as her body has no traces of its toll on her. It is like she discovered a quick fix remedy to old age without leaving any traces. It is for this reason that the star actress has been associated with the anti aging surgical procedures. She has not only defied old age through her appearance but also with her dressing. At the age of 62 years, the actress was trending on the internet clad in bikinis flaunting her slim and curvy body. No traces of sagging skin or fat deposits that are characteristic of her own age mates were visible on her sexy body.

Susan Lucci Plastic Surgery 

It is speculated that the actress has benefited from a facelift, neck lift, fillers, eyelid surgery, brow lift and breast implants. Turning back the clock toll of time on her has not been an easy job as it seems. She needed all these surgeries in order to get rid of the tell tale signs of old age. Luckily for the celebrity, all of her surgeries delivered positive results. Most celebrities who have more than three surgeries in their facial area sometimes live to regret their decision. However, when these procedures are carried out in moderation and to precision by a qualified surgeon, the results speak for itself. A facelift procedure is combined with a neck lift to ensure consistency. It would look odd if a celebrity with a smooth and shinny facial skin has a turkey neck. Susan seems to have been well aware of this idea and had all her surgeries balanced to complement each other. However, her surgeries are not that obvious bit what is obvious is the fact that she has done something to reverse the aging process.

What Do Critics Have To Say?

Most people are taken aback with the gorgeousness associated with Susan Lucci age. According to Dr. Anthony Youn, the pretty faced veteran actress has benefited from the above procedures together with chemical peels. He explains that chemical peels are responsible for the total skin rejuvenation enjoyed by the actress. A chemical peel is effective in taking away dead skin and opening skin pores to ensure that the skin remains glossy and refreshed. She has enjoyed a great deal of popularity with these speculations and compliments that have been directed her way. However, she has denied having any procedures on the claim that she is all natural. With a youthful appearance like hers, it is difficult to convince people that it is only the work of anti aging cream.
