Vicki Gunvalson Plastic Surgery

Vicki Gunvalson Plastic Surgery

Vicki Gunvalson Plastic Surgery – Before and After Pictures

Vicki Gunvalson began feeling the heat of celebrity gossip in 2012. This was the year when she reacted from a slur on her looks and insisted on doing something about her face. Her fans and the entire celebrity world noticed almost immediately that Gunvalson had done major improvements on her face. In the thinking of some of the analysts, Gunvalson had gone for the most intensive plastic surgery to such an extent that she now looked quite different. Others thought that the changes were both positive and welcome for the gifted celebrity. Many more are still divided on the merits of the procedure. Gunvalson is an amazing woman with impressive talents. This was evident in her great performance in the Real Housewives of Orange County. Her fame launched on a path that can only be described as marvelous for lack of a stronger adjective. However, a verbal slur from a person she has known for long.

Vicki Gunvalson Plastic Surgery

The Slade Smiley Factor in Gunvalson’s Plastic Surgery

One day, Slade Smiley lost his manners and called Gunvalson a piggy. The slur seemed to have aroused certain insecure feelings, which Gunvalson had nursed for a long time. She took the abuse seriously and began mapping her way into a cosmetic therapy’s theater. Slade is believed to have held grudges with Gunvalson for some reason or the other. He is even believed to have assaulted the latter physically at some point. Essentially, it was very mean for him to abuse the talented woman for whatever reason. A woman of 50 demands some respect. It is not an easy thing to fight against the erosion of age. As such, the negative comment was the decisive factor that drove the talented celebrity in the theater for plastic enhancements.

Gunvalson Plastic Enhancements – From the Horse’s Mouth

In her admission, Gunvalson thinks that her body was out of proportion at some points. She desired to live a trim life with some assurance of beauty. In the Hollywood reality, beauty is a goal that can be sought and found. According to her statement, a nose job and a nose implant are all she needed to look fabulous. She also went for fat injections in order to give her face some plumpness. Women in the celebrity world often seek fat injections to buy back the appearance of youthfulness. Some analysts believe that it was useless for Gunvalson to seek for the facial improvements. According to them, she looked greater in the past than she does today. However, Gunvalson appears to derive her comfort from the surgeon’s assurance. She said that she would be fine once the healing is complete. Few people know how long that might take.

Gunvalson Before and After Photos

Shortly after the surgery in 2012, Gunvalson appeared puffed up in the face. She also agreed feeling some unsettling discomfort but she insists it shall be great after some time. Comparatively, she looked natural and well-defined in her previous photos. Analysts who make their judgment on the basis of the before and after photos believe that she might not recapture the facial spark with which she charmed millions on the television screen. However, the whole universe shall never be driven by a singular opinion. Moreover, she has every right to do with her body as she chooses.

Is She Thinking of Other Surgeries?

Some celebrities have always moved from one procedure to another. What shall she do if somebody says something negative about her bust? Will she go for a boob job? Some might insist that she has already gone for one. There is no limits to the minds of Hollywood gossipers. A moral question keeps coming up on the matter of aged celebrities seeking plastic enhancements. Some moralists think that it is highly inappropriate. Others believe that moral boundaries cannot be drawn around the question of aesthetics. According to some thinkers, it would be wholly inappropriate for the gossip world to discriminate against Gunvalson on the basis of age. Beauty is timeless. On this score, Gunvalson has some free space to try out a few plastic tricks on her face and body.
